2023 Anthology Guidelines


Napa Valley Writers 2023 Anthology 

With the mission, “To showcase quality writing and provide a publication learning experience for NVW member authors,” Napa Valley Writers (NVW) is inviting submissions for original, unpublished works in fiction, poetry, and creative writing.

We planning a November 2023 publication date. The submission period opens May 1 and closes June 1. 

Guidelines for Submission

  • You must be a current member of Napa Valley Writers. To become a member, hover over the Joining tab, and click “New Members Join”.
  • Submission Period: May 1 – June 1
  • Original, unpublished works in Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction
  • Limit of two submissions (in 1 or 2 genres)
  • Submission must be in 12 point Times New Roman font
  • Maximum length for poetry is 50 lines, single spaced
  • Maximum length for fiction and nonfiction is 2500 words double-spaced
  • Submissions will only be accepted through the submission form.
    • To ensure blind review: Submissions must use a .doc or .docx format in a separate file without identifying information except the title and genre
    • The form will allow you to provide name, title, genre, phone number, email, and short bio (50 words max.)

Evaluation Guidelines

Submitted work will be evaluated for publication according to the following guidelines. Links to the scoring rubric for each category will be posted on this page by April 20, 2023.

All Entries

  • Follow all submission requirements and demonstrate good writing mechanics, free of grammatical, spelling, punctuation errors, and clichés.


  • Story: Tell a memorable story about a life experience that communicates a clear meaning or universal message.
  • Language: Use vivid sensory details, images, and dialogue to engage readers. Use reflection effectively to develop story’s theme.
  • Voice: Use a fresh and original voice; demonstrate a unique style and point of view.
  • Narrative Arc: Present a clear arc of discovery for the main character, with a conflict, obstacle, or tension that is resolved.

Download rubric: Napa Valley Writers Nonfiction Rubric 2023


  • Creativity and Use of Literary Devices: Use clear description and imagery to enhance story impact
  • Character Development: Create dialogue, action and description to compel reader
  • Setting: Establish mood, support story effectively
  • Story Arc and Plot: Use conflict, tension and pacing to engage reader through speech, thoughts, action.

Download rubric: Napa Valley Writers Fiction Rubric 2023


  • Impact: Offer a clear message that elicits emotional response from the reader. Convey the theme in a novel and/or compelling way.
  • Universality: Capture emotions and subjects of interest for readers,
  • Structure, Form, and Flow:  Ensure the poem is organized well with structure and rhythm. Sensory details, figurative language, and visual images contribute to the poem’s meaning.
  • General Mechanics: Rhyme, meter, assonance, and alliteration create a pleasing effect. Chosen words and language convey creative meaning.

Download rubric: Napa Valley Writers Poetry Rubric 2023

Submission Form for 2023 NVW Anthology